2022 to June 2023 Expert witness for Zero Waste Network in permit application by ‘Bioplant’ for Pyrolysis to Oils facility in Feilding, Manuwatu, New Zealand.
June 2022 Presentation on Chemical Recycling at BRS COP – GAIA_Plastics Chemical Recycling – Copy
9th September 2017. Guest on BBC Radio Wiltshire, Ben Prater Breakfast programme: “Waste Plant Controversy”.
2017. Expert opinion report on “pyrothermic converter” reactor proposed for the thermal decomposition of municipal solid waste derived fuel, at Derby. Planning permit number 10/16/01241.
2015. Expert opinion report on proposed novel reactor for the treatment of municipal solid waste at Shepperton, TW17 8QA.
2013 – 2015. Preservation of, and research on, Castleford’s former Allinson’s Mill water-wheel.
2015. Expert opinion report for United Kingdom Without Incineration Network on proposed Environment Agency permit application for novel waste to energy gasifier (EPR/RP3132ND/A001). See “UKWIN Submissions to Environment Agency Permit Applications” at the following Link.
2014. Gasification trial and analytical report of recycled textile briquette for BWF Recycling Ltd. BWF Recycling Gasification Report.
2014. Reaction kinetics of Indian and UK biomass gasification fuels with CMERI, Durgapur, India: Jute, European Larch, Corsican Pine, Silver Birch, Eucalyptus, Coconut Coir, and Bagasse.
2014. Expert opinion on proposed Wheldon Road Pyrolysis Plant, Castleford (EPR/DP3936EY/A001).
2014. Outreach grant. Biomass Gasification on Tour. Visited Chatsworth House, Accelerating a Low Carbon Economy, Science Association.
2014.Designed specification for ventilation systems of two indoor-sited Power Pallet gasifiers at University of Nottingham based on gas composition, temperature, and flow rates. Vent system installed by Ryan Services.
February 2013 to December 2014. Waste to Energy engineering. Small-scale Biomass Gasification for Rural Hybrid Energy Enterprise Systems (EP/J000361/1) to convert waste biomass from waste woodchips into electricity and heat. Collaborative project with Universities in UK and India.
2012-2013: Post-doctoral Energy Engineering research at Dept of Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University, Qatar; and Department of Mechanical Engineering, Australian National University, Canberra.
July 2008 to December 2011. Waste to Energy Engineering. University of Leeds, Hydrogen from Urea: a novel energy source. http://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/2129/
September 2008 to December 2011. Teaching at University of Leeds on PEME1000 Technical Skills and Applications, and MSc Pollution Sampling and Analysis.
2007. Systems appraisal on the potential performance of various small-scale renewable technologies (solar PV, solar thermal, ground source heat pump, wind, wood fuel) to a large multi-use University building. University of Leeds.